
I'm not blogging here any longer, and I'm afraid I probably won't pick up on any new comments either. I'm now blogging at The Evangelical Liberal but I'm leaving these old posts up as an archive.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

What you've been missing...

Apologies to all my beloved devoted, faithful and regular readers (hi Terry). I must confess I've entirely neglected Colourless Green Dreams for the last six months since starting up a new and more focused blog over on Wordpress (I hear the 'boo hiss' from the Blogger community), The Evangelical Liberal. This is a blog 'to explore more open and liberated ways of being a Christian, particularly for those who have struggled to find their way within the evangelical tradition'.

Do come and join in the fun. I've been called stupid and a liar by an atheist, warned that I'm in danger of hell by a fundamentalist, got into fruitless debates with some very nice Americans about US foreign policy and Osama's death, and generally engaged in all sorts of interesting conversations. Come and contribute - I've missed you. :-)

In the meantime, here are some of the highlights from the past six months:

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

New year, new blog

Happy New Year to everyone. Isn't it rubbish being back at work?

Never mind, in honour of the new year I've finally got round to setting up a new blog, The Evangelical Liberal. Don't worry, I'm not going all dodgy - well, no dodgier than I've already been for a long time. The title is simply about reclaiming Christ's good news ('evangel') from the religious right, and his freedom ('liber') from the opposite extreme.

It's mainly a blog for anyone who still sees themselves as a broadly evangelical Christian, but finds mainstream, conservative evangelicalism too straitjacketing, black-and-white and overly concerned with correct doctrine at the expense of a genuinely transformed and authentic life. It's about a search for reality, warts and all, rather than an ideal systematised theology that bears little relation to real life.